If you find damage that has been done before you, please report it
Daily 8:00 AM – Dark unless there is an event
In May, we had a new concreate sidewalk poured and added a first aid kit.
Please read the following range rules completely. If the function of the range does not fit your shooting style we suggest that you find a range that can accommodate you.
- Follow the rules of “safe gun handling”.
- It is required that you use EYE and EAR protection.
- Only Handguns of 45 Colt, 45 ACP cal. and smaller, No P+, Magnums, Bottle Neck Cart. or velocities Greater than 1250 ft/s and rifles of Short-22-L-LR maybe shot.
- No full auto firearms, Shotguns, or Black powder.
- The shooter must always shoot from behind the 50 ft firing line. All Targets must be hung at the bullet trap.
- Actions/bolts must be open when a firearm is not being used and open bolt indicators are highly recommended.
- It is everyone’s responsibility to make sure the firing line is safe before going forward to check targets.
- No quick drawing or shooting from the holster, No moving between stations and Firing.
- all rounds must hit the backstop perpendicular, NO cross shooting.
- The lights and exhaust fans must be on when shooting, No low light shooting
- Take home all misfires and dispose of the in the proper fashion.
12 Do not leave targets hanging, please take them home or throw them in the trash.
13 Sweep the floor using the dry sweeping compound and discard in the trash. - It is imperative that you wash your hands thoroughly before leaving the range
(click an image to view full size)
(937) 336 7113
2601 Straightline Pike
Richmond, IN 47374