Membership Information

How to become a member

Membership forms can be obtained at the monthly board meeting held the first Tuesday of every month at the Indoor range at 6:30pm. It’s located at 2601 Straight-line Pike, Richmond, IN. You can also download a membership form and mail it to the listed P.O. Box. When you receive your membership card back in the mail, you will be given a number to call so you can set up your outdoor orientation and receive your key.


Outdoor Range: $70.00 per year *

Indoor Range: $50.00 per year *

* There is an additional $10.00 initiation fee for new members and $10.00 LATE FEE for membership renewals 30 days past due.


  • Annual dues are to be paid by the anniversary of your membership.
  • You are required to be a valid member in good standing, of the NRA.
  • All members will be issued a key to the outdoor range after an orientation and may use it year-round from 8:00 am until dark.
  • The only exception is when certain matches are held, and it is necessary to close the range to insure safety of all shooters.

Shooting Events are open to the public

  • Old Trails is a private range, but all shooting events held at the Indoor or Outdoor range are for all members and is also open to the public.
  • Check your Club calendar of these matches and when the range is closed.

The Ten Commandments of Gun Safety

  1. Treat every gun with respect and caution.
  2. Keep your eyes on the muzzle. Keep the safety on until ready to shoot.
  3. Unload guns when not in use. Keep actions open.
  4. Be sure the barrel is clear of obstructions.
  5. Be certain of the target at which you are going to fire. Know how to recognize the game you are hunting.
  6. Never shoot at a flat surface or water.
  7. Never climb a tree or fence or jump a ditch with a loaded gun, don’t take a gun by the barrel.
  8. Never point a gun at anything you don’t want to shoot. Avoid horseplay while handling a gun.
  9. Store guns and ammunition separately, beyond the reach of children. Guns should always be unloaded.
  10. Avoid alcoholic beverages before or during shooting.


Vice President Membership: David Scott
(765) 969-3425


Indoor Range

2601 Straightline Pike

Richmond, IN 47374

Outdoor Range

501 Beeson Road

Richmond, IN 47374

