Indoor Range
Update, nothing
It has come to the attention of the Board of Directors that several random shots have destroyed club
property. Each member had to attend and sign an orientation form and agree to the contents. If you have any
question about where or what to shoot, consult the range rules that you signed for when you were given an
orientation. The more incidents we experience, such as shooting in the ceiling at the Indoor Range, and shooting into
unauthorized backstops at the Outdoor Range, will cause the board to seek measures to counteract these incidents
such as cameras and other monitoring devises. We have also experienced vehicle tracks across the range during
periods of wet weather. Do not go into these areas if it is wet, it causes erosion and makes the range more difficult
to mow. All of the above do nothing positive for the club. It just costs money to repair what has gotten torn up. Any
and All members should have their membership cards with them. Do not get your undies in a bunch if asked by
ANYONE to see your membership card. As a Club member, you need to stay with your guests and are in charge of
their behavior and conduct.
President’s Corner
Some of the stores are starting to receive some ammo but it takes a bit of diligence to be there at the right time to
procure any. If you have some ammo stashed away or you can get some new, that sound you hear in your ear is the
range calling. It is time to pack up and make the trip to shoot rifle, pistol, or shotgun at the outdoor range located
on Beeson Road (the location is for you that have forgotten where it is). We have Sporting Clays, and High-Power
Rifle events listed on the calendar and pistol, rifle, and shotgun shooters can enjoy our range during open times.
Fresh air is good for you and there is an abundant supply at the outdoor range. Come and enjoy!!
Consult your newsletter before you go as there is also 4-H Youth Activities on Saturdays and Wednesdays in the
coming 3 months.
Any range keys will be available for pickup at Board Meetings ONLY.
Any and all outdoor concerns call John Lahrman (231) 215-9017.
Be safe and courteous while you are there and obey all range rules. Please have your membership card on you.