February 2025-April 2025 Newsletter

2025 Whitewater Valley Friends of the NRA Banquet will be March 8th, 2025

We will be at the Kuhlman Center at the Wayne County Fairgrounds again this year.
Catering by The Olde Richmond Inn. Tickets available at Richmond Casting, A-T&I in Germantown and
Committee Members.
Tickets also available online at https://www.friendsofnra.org/events?mapView=0…
Adult ticket – $100 If you are bringing children 12 or under a children’s ticket is available locally for $50 but
not online, contact a committee member.
Doors open at 5:00pm and Meal will be served at 7:00.

Indoor Range

Gallery rimfire and center fire pistol shoots will be held on Monday from 7:00-9:00pm till the end of March.
Thanks Gary Woodruff for running this event.
Small Bore is still being run on Sundays from 9:00am to Noon, please check you calendar.
Mark your Calendar for February’s Basic Pistol Class on 8th and 15th, from 8:00am to 1:00pm

Outdoor Range

The Outdoor range’s 300 yd practice is from noon to dark. All shooting must stop when it is dark! Sumer Hours will be
changing to 4:00pm to Dark when our time changes.
Any and all Members should have their membership cards with them. Nobody should be upset to present their card to anyone else asking for it. Introduce yourself and ask to see their membership card if you don’t recognize the person.
If there should be any unsafe conditions, you will have their name. If you don’t get their name or their license plate number, it is hard for the board to address those concerns.

**We have two Rimfire Shoots who needs someone to run 50yd is held on the first Sunday and our 100ydRimfire is on the second Saturday of each month during the Summer. Please contact Eric if you have any interest in heading this up.

President’s Corner

Well the holidays are past us and a new year is upon us. Hopefully everyone got what they wanted from Santa and all is in good health. Both ranges are open and remember to be safe and respectful of others. If using the outdoor range, be aware of any snow or ice on the hill down into the range, you have to be able to get back out of there and it does get slick! The winter indoor shooting programs are well underway including “smallbore rifle” and “gallery pistol”. We can all look forward to the spring programs starting back up and warmer weather! Check the calendar for dates and times.
**Please take some time to vote on our Membership Rate increase.
Be safe, Eric


As of January’s, board meeting we have 288 active members. With 91 of them having Indoor range access.
Rudy Sperling
Correspondence Secretary

Old Trails members

With ever rising costs of repairing and improving our range facilities it has been discussed at the last few board meetings about a membership dues increase. There has not been an increase in membership dues since 2010 for the outdoor range and the indoor has never seen an increase. The club has made some huge improvements to both facilities over the last few years however with rising cost of operating expenses (taxes, insurance, utilities, supplies, maintenance and repairs) an increase is now required. The board has decided that
a $30.00 increase per range is a minimal increase to keep our club operational and in great condition for years to follow. The membership has the ability to vote for or against this increase. If approved this increase will start in June of 2025.
Outdoor range with new increase $100
Indoor range with new increase $80
You can email your vote here (oldtrailsrpclub@gmail.com) be sure to include your complete name and your vote “for” or “against” the increase.